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Savings Rates

Time Based Savings Rates Effective 3/31/2024

Term Annual Percentage Yield
6 Months 0.10%
12 Months 0.10%
12 Months Save to Win Certificate1 0.10%
15 Months 0.10%
18 Months 0.15%
24 Months 0.20%
30 Months 0.25%
36 Months 0.30%
48 Months 0.35%
60 Months 0.40%

1Save to Win Certificate minimum deposit $25.00.

Share Certificates minimum deposit $1,000.
IRA Certificates and Smart Start Certificates minimum deposit $500.
Certificate deposits are subject to penalty for early withdrawal. Fees may reduce earnings.

Share Savings Rates Effective 3/31/2024

Money Market Account
Balance Annual Percentage Yield
$2,500 to $9,999 0.05%
$10,000 to $24,999 0.05%
$25,000 to $49,999 1.52%
$50,000 and over 2.28%
Minimum deposit $2,500
Savings Accounts
Account Type Annual Percentage Yield
Prime Share Savings 0.05%
Personalized Savings 0.05%
Smart Start Account 0.05%
Kids Club Account 0.05%
Minimum deposit $5.00  
IRA Money Market
Balance Annual Percentage Yield
$0 to $2,499 0.05%
$2,500 to $9,999 0.05%
$10,000 to $24,999 0.10%
$25,000 to $49,999 0.10%
$50,000 and over 0.10%
Premium Checking
Balance Annual Percentage Yield
$0 to $999 0.00%
$1,000 and over 0.00%
Minimum deposit $5.00